
このような話を家族にするとー私も母親として想像できるのですがー自分の子どもが同じような状況に置かれていると考えると震えあがります。本当に恐ろしいことです。 湿気が多く、寒さが厳しい環境で長期間過ごすことは、健康面にも影響を及ぼします。もちろん、私たちはそのような報告を聞いています。
私たちは、咳や風邪、インフルエンザなどの感染症に関する問い合わせをたくさん受けています。 しかし、塹壕足※も発生しています。 寒くてじめじめした環境では、感染症があっという間に広がってしまうのは想像に難くありません。
ウクライナの西部には、国内避難民(IDPS)と呼ばれる人々が、難民のための避難所に居住しています。 そこにいる多くの女性は医療を受けることができません。
そこには、幼い子どもからお年寄りまで、400人の住民がいました。 そして、多くの妊婦さんいました。そしてその場所で出産し、赤ちゃんが誕生しているのを目の当たりにしました。
ある女性は、すでにおなかが大きくなっているのにもかかわらず、妊婦健診もスキャンも受けていませんでした。 出産予定日を知っているのかと尋ねると、「知らない」といいます。「まったくわからない」と答えたのです。
私が大きな問題だと感じているのが、早産で生まれてくる赤ちゃんのことです。 私自身、早産で生まれた赤ちゃんを目の当たりにしてきました。
母親がストレスが多い状況に置かれているためか、未熟児で生まれてくる赤ちゃんがいます。強いストレスのため、体内のコルチゾールレベルが上昇し、それが胎盤を越えて赤ちゃんに影響を及ぼします。 その結果、未熟児や健康状態のよくない赤ちゃんが生まれるのです。
このような状況で生活している人たちを見ると、本当に恐ろしくなります。 しかし、彼女が私に求めていたのは、咳止めや風邪薬、そしてパラセタモールのような子どもの薬でした。昨日、私たちはそれらの薬を集めて、現地に送りました。 私たちがその場にいなくても、仕事は続いているのです。
Wendy Warrington
Nurse & midwife working in Ukraine.
The way it’s been described is like the first world war trenches, the mud, the cold, the freezing conditions is absolutely terrifying. When they recount these stories to the families, because you can imagine as a mother myself, how awful that must be, that your child is in those same conditions. It’s just dreadful. And there must be health implications spending a long period of time in those really damp and incredibly cold situations. Absolutely, that’s what we’re hearing reports of and what we do. We get asked to send a lot of definitely coughs, colds, flues. But there’s also been outbreaks of trench foot as well. So you can imagine that in those cold, dank, damp conditions and just how quickly infections obviously spread as well. Resistance is low. When you look at as well the diet, you know, immunity. So it does have a massive impact. And another thing that we actually do send if we get any vitamins to send those to be able to supplement the diet, join up a lack of continuity and sustainability is a massive issue, particularly for those women that have fled from the east. So they’re coming up and they’re settling the west of Ukraine and the refers to as internally displaced people IDPS. And they are residing in shelters as centres for refugees, if you will. And a lot of the women have no access to any health care. So last week when I was over n Ukraine, we’re looking at setting up a series of primary care centres and we went to a couple of the shelters. One, there was 400 residents there, from very young children to older people. And what we were seeing is there was a lot of pregnant women and a lot of babies that be born there. And for us, what was really evident when I spoke to the women was that they’d had no antenatal care. I spoke one woman who was quite visibly and heavily pregnant, and she had no antenatal care, no scan. And I asked, did she know when her baby was due?
Absolutely no idea. And for me this is that is a big issue, because we’re also hearing about babies being born prematurely. I’ve seen that myself. So, we’ve got smaller babies. The effects of the stress. What happen is that when you’re in stressful conditions, if they’re fleeing, then the cortisol level rises within the body and it’s just across the placenta, it just impacts on the babies. So what we’re seeing is premature smaller babies and babies born that are not in the best of health. I just find it quite horrific that these people are living in those conditions. But what she was asking me for was cough and cold medications and also medications for children like paracetamol sort of suspensions. And what have you. So we collected those yesterday. And we said we sent those. So the work continues even though we’re not there.
